The JFCDataCalendar is a JFC-based calendar component designed for Java scheduling and Personal Information Manger (PIM) applications. JFCDataCalendar has an easy-to-understand API for programming as well as a number of features provided through customizers (point-and-click property pages that allow developers to set properties without code).
Java Developer's Journal Editor's Choice Award

Calendar Features

Selection for days on the calendar can be done via single, multiple or range selection. Selection can be set through the customizer or in code and implemented with mouse clicks or SHIFT+arrow keys.

  • "Today" button sets the date selection to today's date. This button can be shown as a custom image or represented by a circle (default).
  • Multi-lined text in day cells.
  • Set font styles for text in day cells.
  • Set images, colors and fonts for each day in the calendar.
  • Additional selection events. When selecting a range of dates, the JFCDataCalendar automatically passes the start and end dates once an end-user releases a mouse drag. Using two Date Plus components, developers can easily create fields that communicate "start" and "end" dates in tandem.
  • Users can choose the month and year from drop-down menus provided at the top of the JFCDataCalendar.
  • Customize the images for the drop-down buttons (replacing the default triangles).
  • Disable the drop-down month and year.
  • Drop-down year field can also be edited by keyboard entries (uses the standard edit text field).
  • Limit the number of displayed items in the year drop-down list.
  • Enable/disable the auto-resize for the calendar.
  • One, three, six or twelve months display.
  • Set first day of the week.
  • International language support. All text can be set for months and days of week to the developer's language of choice.
  • Full Locale support.

JFCDayView (New Component)

The JFCDayView is a complete Java solution for displaying and managing appointments as well as setting reminders. The JFCDayView features a number of enhancements to allow end-user's full control over customizing appointments. Developers can use the built-in dialogs to allow end-users the ability to display custom text, colors and images for appointments as well as set alarms. The JFCDayView has also been designed to communicate with the new Calendar Plus. Clicking on day cells in the calendar automatically display the JFCDayView and provide all the appointments for that day.

Features include:

  • Double-clicks on appointments create a custom Appointment Editor where end-users can edit the appointment name, time and reminder time as well as select both images and background colors.
  • Select custom background colors for appointments.
  • Set images for appointments.
  • Appointments feature built-in alarms. Alarms use a built-in dialog to display when prompted, or developers can user their own dialog. The standard "snooze" on the alarm will dismiss the reminder for 5 minutes.
  • End-users can move or change appointment lengths with mouse drags.
  • Multiple appointments for the same time. The DayView automatically resizes appointments when moved and overlaps appointments.
  • Set the hours and time increments to display in the DayView.
  • Display spin buttons to scroll through days.
  • The month and year feature drop-down displays to choose days.
  • The DayView, like all ProtoView components, features full support for a wide variety of customization of colors, fonts and border styles. 

JFCDataCalendar Plus (New Component)

  • Includes all the functionality of the standard calendar, but uses the DayView to display information in cells upon the end-user's double click events.
  • Automatically synchronized (no coding by the developer is required for this feature).
  • Appointment information, images and color properties for day cells are compiled from the stored date objects. End-users can edit the day, and the Calendar Plus automatically saves the information back to the Calendar Plus. 
  • Distributed as a single JAR file that includes both calendar and DayView

DatePlus Component

The DatePlus is an input and validation component with drop-down calendar that supports the above mentioned features. Each DatePlus component can be formatted to display date in any number of styles (MDY, YDM, MMDYYY, etc…). ProtoView also includes a DateLong component for displaying long date formats (ex. "Thursday, April 1st, 1999). Centuries as well as leading zeros can be hidden or shown based on the format. Colors, borders and other styles can easily be done using the point-and-click customizer

In addition, both components support a variety of font, color, border, shadow and display options.

Extended Feature List

  • Painting Features:
    • Use UIManager default font, colors (on/off).
    • Text 3D effect: none/3D shadow/aureole.
    • Border: default JFC Border class or use the extensive list of styles of border provided by the PVBorder class.
    • Shadow: none/4 positions and set any width of the shadow
      Border between day cells: indent/outdent with any width.
    • Day-cell-border sharpness: 4 styles from dim to sharp.
  • Fonts:
    • Days.
    • Month/year "buttons."
    • Day Of the Week (DOW) strings.
    • List of months/years.
  • Colors:
    • Foreground.
    • Background.
    • Client Area Background.
    • Calendar (day cells) background.
    • Border.
    • Shadow.
    • Selected cells background.
    • Sunday foreground.
    • Text3D.
  • Custom Date Painting:
    • Background color.
    • Foreground color.
    • Image (aligned to right corner or stretched).
    • Option to keep background unchanged if date is selected (on/off).
    • Set range of dates with custom painting.
    • Repeat custom date painting for every year (on/off).
    • Set day of the week (on/off).
  • Behavior:
    • Change displayed month/year without changing the selected date.
    • Initialize calendar to the current date (on/off).
  • One Month Calendar:
    • Automatic changing displayed month when selected date is set (by mouse or arrow key) to next/previous month.
  • Selection:
    • Get/set from code.
    • Set using arrow keys, arrows keys + Shift.
    • Set using mouse, mouse-drag, mouse+Ctrl, mouse+Shift.
  • Appearance:
    • 1, 3, 6 or 12 months.
    • First day of the week: Monday or Sunday.
    • Month strings: use locale defaults or set any custom strings.
    • DOW strings: use locale defaults or set any custom strings.
    • Style of triangle image on the drop-down month-year buttons.
    • Drop-down list of months/years to select from.
    • Edit field to enter a year.
    • Display selected date in the upper right corner (on/off).
  • Events (can be fired on): 
    • Selected date change (on/off).
    • Displayed month / year change (on/off).
    • Enter, Escape key press (on/off).
    • Mouse double click (on/off).
    • Focus (on/off).
  • Selection:
    • Single (on/off).
    • Range selection (on/off).
    • Multi selection (on/off).
  • Utility Methods:
    • Check focus.
    • Shift selected date by -28 to 28 days.
  • Date Limits:
    • Upper and / or lower date limits (on/off).
    • Dim painting of days that are not in the range of limits.
    • Disabled mouse and selection for days that are not in the range of limits.
The JFCDataCalendar includes the
Date Plus with drop-down calendar.
  • Behavior:
    • Edit string that represents a date and/or select date from the drop-down calendar.
  • Appearance:
    • Calendar size.
    • Calendar appearance: support for all calendar styles.
  • Button:
    • Position: left/right.
    • Width: automatic or 0-60.
    • Extensive Border styles
    • Shadow styles
    • Background color.
    • Choose from 5 different images for the drop-down button.
  • Drop-Down Calendar:
    • Absolute positioning of drop-down calendar.
    • Set the drop-down calendar to remain opened until a particular date has been selected.
    • NEW! Close the drop-down calendar on single or double click.
    • Image - images displayed on buttons.
    • Using LookAndFeel PressedBackground and border style.
  • Events:
    • Fire action events when calendar is opened/closed.
    • Get reference to the calendar object.
    • Open/close calendar.
    • Customize position of the drop-down calendar in absolute screen coordinates.

DatePlus Long

Includes all the functionality of the DatePlus component but with long date strings (example: Thursday, April 1, 1999).


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User Stories & Reviews

JFCSuite, Winner of the 1999 Java Developer's Journal
Editor's Choice Award, "Best Bean."
- Java Developer's Journal, Award

JFCDataExplorer, Winner of the 1998 Java Developer's Journal
Editor's Choice Award, "Best Bean."
- Java Developer's Journal, Award

JFCDataExplorer, Winner of the 1999 Java Pro
Reader's Choice Award, "Best Visualization Tool"
-Java Pro, Award

"...a component library custom-designed for programmers 
who want to add a touch of professionalism and a lot of 
user-friendliness to their programs.
-Java Pro, Review

"...[JFCDataExplorer] is one of those rare components that is
attractive from a user interface and a component
model/language point of view. If you want a
practical example of the power of JFC, download a
fully functional evaluation copy from the
ProtoView Web Site (http://www.protoview.com/demos)."

- Java Pro, Review

Download An Evaluation Version Of This Product Purchase This Product Direct From ProtoView

Copyright ⌐ 1999 ProtoView Development Corporation. All rights reserved.
This page was last updated Thursday, February 24, 2000.